Easiest Way to Make Tasty Roti Sisir Soya

Roti Sisir Soya.

Roti Sisir Soya You can have Roti Sisir Soya using 9 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Roti Sisir Soya

  1. You need of grm tepung roti.
  2. You need of gula castor.
  3. You need of garam.
  4. Prepare of susu tepung.
  5. It's of yis saf instant.
  6. You need of K fine cream super.
  7. It's of shortening.
  8. Prepare of soya sejuk dr peti.
  9. It's of ais kiub.

Roti Sisir Soya instructions

  1. Mula2 sebatikan bahan2 kering dlm mangkuk.Tepung yis gula garam susu tepung.Guna hok nguli roti ye..
  2. Dah sebati masukkn soya guna gear rendah..
  3. Masukkan shortening n cream k fine..tukar gear high speed..kasi doh x melekat tepi mgkuk.pukul spi elastik..
  4. Amik doh timbang 35gram setiap sesisir...susun dlm pan loaf..
  5. Kasi kembang 2x ganda ttp ngn plastik anggaran 30 minit..
  6. Sapu atas roti ngn egg wash.Bakar suhu 150 selama 35minit.Dah siap bakar sapu ats roti ngn butter yg d cairkan.taraaaa......siapp..


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