Easiest Way to Make Appetizing Easy Homemade Butter Cookies

Easy Homemade Butter Cookies.

Easy Homemade Butter Cookies You can cook Easy Homemade Butter Cookies using 6 ingredients and 11 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Easy Homemade Butter Cookies

  1. It's of All Purpose Flour.
  2. It's of Brown Sugar (powdered or crushed).
  3. You need of Vanilla Essence.
  4. It's of Unsalted Butter.
  5. You need of ml/g Palm Sugar (Gula Melaka) [Optional].
  6. Prepare of Sea Salt.

Easy Homemade Butter Cookies instructions

  1. Cut the r.t.p butter into cubes and place them in the mixing bowl..
  2. Whip them with a mixer until soft and smooth..
  3. Add powdered sugar or crushed granulated sugar into the mixing bowl and whip, whip, whip! 👏.
  4. Once you get a soft and creamy consistency, stop mixing and stiff the flour into the mixing bowl. Always always stiff flour ! It always helps with the texture..
  5. Mix the flour with the butter paste until a soft doughy batter forms. Add more flour if it is too sticky..
  6. Make sure that the dough soft but not too hard like bread dough..
  7. Add Palm Sugar into the dough and mix one last time. [Optional if you don't want it to be too sweet or don't have palm sugar].
  8. You should be able to form a ball with the dough. If it is too thick or not creamy enough, just add more butter into the mixture..
  9. Form any preferable size of balls and place them onto a baking tray. Remeber to oil the baking tray or place a baking sheet yah 😉..
  10. Gently press the balls of dough one by one with a fork and bake it to 180 degree celcius for 15-25 min depending on your oven..
  11. Take out the cookies and test with a toothpick. If it is abit hard inside, then it's ready 😗👌.


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